VHF Field Day July 2017

VHF Field Day Report
A great time at the VHF Field Day weekend with 26 members plus family attending, the vast majority camping. The site was great for camping and not bad from a radio perspective so a provisional booking has been made for next year. Generally the weather was kind but radio wise conditions and activity levels were disappointing, although this seemed to be a trend across the UK.

We made the following number of contacts:
6m 63 contacts for 8,535 km
4m 34 contacts for 6,067 km
2m 82 contacts for 18,477 km, best DX DA0FF at 861km
70cm 26 contacts for 4,092 km, best DX DF0MU at 625km
23cm 2 contacts for 25 km
All claimed scores can be seen at http://www.rsgbcc.org/cgi-bin/claim.pl…

Did you Know ?

Field Day is an annual amateur radio event in the UK and else where, widely sponsored by IARU regions and member organizations, encouraging emergency communications preparedness among amateur radio operators.

A group of Amateurs come together to sent up, in this case a VHF (and UHF) Radio station, this is then tested by a 24 hour contest.


