Worksop Amateur Radio Society

1910229_256257171237842_8911862072795415144_nWelcome to the Worksop Amateur Radio Society’s Website, please feel free to stay and have a look around.

We are an active Amateur Radio Society with members, across a wide age range, our membership comes from a wide area, with members from Doncaster, Sheffield, Chesterfield, Nottingham, Retford, Worksop and beyond.

We are able to offer both Training and Exams at all three levels in Amateur Radio, please see our Training and Exam pages for more information.

There are lots of specialist areas of interest in amateur radio and members of Worksop Amateur Radio Society are active in the following areas; Contesting, Morse, Amsat, SOTA, HAB, Data Modes, ARDF, Construction, APRS, SDR, Raspberry PI, Arduino, BATV, Repeaters, Parks on the Air (POTA) and much more.

If you are interested in Amateur Radio and want to find out more please contact us or better still come and visit on a Tuesday Night.