Worksop Likes Online Exams
Having seen and tested the Online Exams at the National Hamfest, members’ Worksop Amateur Radio Society were keen to try out on lines Exams.
If was fortunate that we had a group of three members, who wanted to reset a Full License exam, the Exam Secretary Carol, 2E0XCA had a trial and discussion with Dave Wilson M0OBW RSGB President, about online exams, including how it worked from an Invigilator’s point of view, and what sort of Internet connection would be required and how much bandwidth was needed, Dace advised that the exams could be run from a mobile phone hot spot if required.
With all our candidates and exam team in agreement, we arranged for the exam to take place on the 19th of October. Dave Wilson very kindly volunteered to come along to assist and advise if required.
The candidates received emails before the exam date and were able to check their login and have a test of the system and how it works.
On the day of the exam, as everyone was using their own laptops, they arrived early to make sure they could connect to the Radio Societies WIFI. (Photo Exam A shows some of the candidates checking access to the WIFI before the exam started (due to start at 14:00) and before the room was placed under exam conditions).
If you are concerned to hear that people can use their own laptops, then there is no need to be as they are locked by the exam software for the duration of the exam.
All the candidates preferred the online exam format to the paper one, you are able to scroll backward and forward between questions, flag any that you wish to and return to them later. It’s also easier as only one question is shown at a time. One of the other additional benefits is that there is no time lost transferring answers to an optical marking sheet, or possible errors on transfer. Lastly, you get your result when you have finished your exam, there is no waiting.