Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
RSGB VHF National Field Day 2015
On the 3rd to the 5th July this year, Worksop Amateur Radio Society took part for the first time in RSGB VHF National Field Day. So what are Field Days all about? The main drive behind the event is to encourage Amateur Radio Operators and Clubs to test their preparedness and ability to set-up emergency…
RSGB Convention 2015
If you are thinking of attending this year’s RSGB Convention the organisers have, to date , confirmed 27 lectures on a variety of subjects such as HF propagation; antenna modelling on your PC; Datamodes made easy; Raspberry Pi in your shack; kit building techniques; meteor scatter; aircraft scatter; clean up your shack and lots more.…
Its Worksop Water Day today 6th June !
Its Worksop Water Day today 6th June ! The free event will take place on Saturday 6th June near the Lock Keeper pub, from 11am-5pm. The day is being organised by the Canal and River Trust, Chesterfield Canal Trust, the Angling Trust, Focus on Young People in Bassetlaw and Bassetlaw District Council, and supported by…
RSGB Contest Committee White Paper 2015
The RSGB Contest Committee have announced that as part of the continuing initiative to consult with the contesting community over topics of mutual interest, the Contest Committee has published the 2015 White Paper. This document contains 36 proposals and suggestions for changes to the RSGB contest rules for 2016. The White Paper is available from…
Updated Programme May to Sept 2015
Please find a link below to download our latest programme, our events are subject to change, so please check out the Whats On section of the web site for the most up to date details. Worksop Amateur Radio Society Programme ( May Sept 2015)
Worksop makes June Radcom
Photos from the RSGB AGM, showing Worksop Amateur Radio Society collecting their runners up award for the RSGB Club of the year 2014.
RSGB Club of the Year Runners Up 2015
Worksop Amateur Radio Society runners up in the Radio Society of Great Britain (RSGB) Club of the Year 2015. Pictured Steve, Sue, Carol and Paul, picking up the award at the RSGB AGM on behalf of the Club Members.
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