Tag: clubs

  • Clubs as Hubs

    ‘Clubs as Hubs’ plan designed to revive UK amateur radio Australia’s WIA News carries a report by Jeremy Boot G4NJH on the ‘Clubs as Hubs’ plan designed to revive UK amateur radio For More Information please see http://www.southgatearc.org/news/2020/july/clubs-as-hubs.htm?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+AmateurRadioNews+%28Southgate+Amateur+Radio+News%29#.XwHJ4ShKiM8

  • The RSGB affiliated clubs newsletter September 2016

    The RSGB affiliated clubs newsletter September 2016 which is distributed to all RSGB affiliated Amateur Radio Clubs  and Societies . Please Click Link to download rsgb-clubs-newsletter-september-2016