Excellent video released showing VHF Field day and VHF/ UHF Contesting

vhf field day 2016

You may have read our item on VHF Field Day, well we have produced an excellent, video taken at the weekend of the field day. Showing our VHF / UHF setup and giving you an in site into the friendly world or VHF/UHF Amateur Radio Contesting in the UK.

Many of the members of Worksop Amateur Radio Society take part in the weekly VHF/UHF UKACs run by Amateur Radios Governing Body the Radio Society of Great Britain (RSGB). These are both fun and competitive, and I have to say addictive.

But don’t take my word for it. Have a look at the video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_isKCHitW_w  and tell us what you think.

If you want to take part and are unsure how to start, why not join our friendly club !



