• Lockdown VHF NFD 2020

    VHF NFD is the next big event on the RSGB contest calendar, scheduled for 4 and 5 July 2020. It can’t be run in its normal multi-operator format, so the RSGB Contest Committee has designed an interesting alternative for single operator stations. The rules have been set for fixed stations only. Many of our members will be…

  • Beyond Exams First Silver Cert Jan 2020

    Many congratulations to Gary Swift (M0ONI) on being the first Radio Society Member to be awarded a Silver Beyond Exams Certificate. Gary has put on a lot of effort into the scheme and its great to see it pay off. We are privileged to be taking part in the scheme pilot, on behalf of the…

  • Beyond Exams Jan 2020

    Beyond Exams As members of the Worksop Amateur Radio Society will be aware we are running a pilot of the RSGBs Beyond Exams. Its good to hear of so many members taking part Congratulations to Gary M0ONI and Paul, M0PJA on being the first to gain a Bronze Certificate. If not too late for you…

  • July 2019 Great News if you like FT4

    NEW FT4 CONTEST ANNOUNCED The RSGB HF Contest Committee: Have made the following announcement. – New FT4 Contest Announced. Please check the RSGB HF Contest Calendar for three new events that have just been added. We are running a short series of one hour, “experimental”, FT4 Contests over the autumn. These are not part of…

  • AROS Talk By Mark Jones G0MGX who is the AROS Co-ordinator

    Mark Jones G0MGX  who is the AROS Co-ordinator will be giving a talk on the Amateur Radio Observation Service (AROS) is an advisory and reporting service of the Radio Society of Great Britain (RSGB) which is intended to assist radio amateurs and others who may be affected by problems which occur within the amateur bands or which…

  • RSGB New Strategy video

    The Radio Society of Great Britain (RSGB) are asking people to check out their new Amateur Radio Strategy video update. Hear from their President, Chairman, GM & Comms Manager: http://www.rsgb.org/strategy-videos  #hamr @theRSGByouth

  • RSGB Train the Trainers event – Update

    Worksop Amateur Radio Society is hosting an RSGB Train the Trainers event on Saturday, 18th November 2017 at the Crossing Centre, Worksop.  The Train the Trainers course is free to any RSGB member teaching at Foundation, Intermediate or Advanced level. It is especially designed for anyone who does not have a professional background in teaching.…

  • RSGB Train the Trainers November 2017

    Worksop Amateur Radio Society are very pleased to be hosting an RSGB Train the Trainers course on Saturday 18th November 2017. The course will take place at The Crossing Church and Centre, Newcastle Street, Worksop, Nottinghamshire, S80 2AT between 09.00 and 17.00. To book a place please contact Steve Hambleton, G0EAK. Email: g0eaksteve-AT-gmail.com  (Spam Block…

  • Radcom November 2017 edition on line

    For members of the Worksop Amateur Radio Society, who are not yet RSGB Members. The RSGB have for some time now been putting copies of their Magazine “RadCom” on line available for members to access. This is proving useful if you are like me and once I have read a magazine, I normally leave them…

  • 2017 – New NoVs for 146-146MHz

    For Full Amateur Radio Licence holders – New NoVs for 146-146MHz All current 146 to 147MHz band Notices of Variation expire on Tuesday, 31 October 2017. Ofcom has agreed that the band will be made available for another year. However, to continue to use the frequencies you must obtain a new NoV. These are available,…