• RSGB VHF Contest Committee – Consultation 2018

    The RSGB VHF Contest Committee opens consultation to help set the rules for 2018 series of contests. If you take part in the Amateur Radio RSGB UKACs then you need to visit this page. Please take time to visit the site and give your feed back. http://rsgb.org/main/blog/news/rsgb-notices/2017/10/06/vhf-contest-rules-2018-consultation/ …

  • Region 13’s Club of the Year 2016

    Worksop Amateur Radio Society was presented with a certificate and trophy as winners of RSGB (Radio Society of Great Britain), Region 13’s Club of the Year (large club) last week. Our newest licencees accepted the award on behalf of the Club from Jim Stevenson, G0EJQ, RSGB Regional Manager. This is the third year running we…

  • The RSGB affiliated clubs newsletter September 2016

    The RSGB affiliated clubs newsletter September 2016 which is distributed to all RSGB affiliated Amateur Radio Clubs  and Societies . Please Click Link to download rsgb-clubs-newsletter-september-2016

  • Excellent video released showing VHF Field day and VHF/ UHF Contesting

    You may have read our item on VHF Field Day, well we have produced an excellent, video taken at the weekend of the field day. Showing our VHF / UHF setup and giving you an in site into the friendly world or VHF/UHF Amateur Radio Contesting in the UK. Many of the members of Worksop Amateur…

  • Have you seen Radcom June 2016 ?

    Have you seen Radcom June 2016 ? Thanks to the hard work by Steve G0EAK, Worksop Amateur Radio Society have a full page Item in Radcom. This covers our activity in the March 6 Metre contest and the number of members taking part. Please keep a check on this website for a copy of the…

  • The RSGB affiliated clubs newsletter June 2016

    The RSGB affiliated clubs newsletter June 2016

    The RSGB affiliated clubs newsletter June 2016 which is distributed to all RSGB affiliated Amateur Radio Clubs  and Societies . Please Click Link to download rsgb-clubs-newsletter-june-2016

  • YOTA Month 2015

    Hi All, Tomorrow will see the official launch of YOTA Month 2015. Over 38 countries around the world will be taking part and this year is looking to be bigger and better than ever. Wednesday 2nd December will see Durham and District Amateur Radio Society launch YOTA Month on behalf of the UK with Leicester…

  • Thursday Night Events Coming up ! – Oct / Nov / Dec 2015

    Thursday Night Events Coming up ! 29th Oct – Increasing Activity on VHF/ UHF 12th Nov – Talk on Oscilloscopes 3rd Dec – Talk on WAB 17th Dec – RSGB Winter Briefing Full details of all event can be found – click here

  • RSGB Youth Video – Now Online

    The Radio Society of Great Britain (RSGB) have been working with two film companies to make a series of promotional videos. The first of these, promoting amateur radio to young people, has been produced by the TX factor for the RSGB and is now on general release on the RSGB’s YouTube channel 

  • RSGB Affiliated Clubs Newsletter Nov. 2015

    Please see below for a downloadable lint to the RSGB Affiliated Clubs Newsletter November 2015 rsgb-clubs-newsletter-november-2015