Author: Alun Fletcher

  • Achievements from The 2019 UKAC and MGMAC Contests

    Achievements from the 2019 UKAC and MGMAC Contests Here are the achievements of the 2019 UKAC and MGMAC Contests, from the members of Worksop Amateur Radio Society Overall 2019 Worksop Amateur Radio Society came 2nd in the Local Club section. Well done everyone! John 2E0DXK/P was Lead Intermediate, Andrew M6VUK/P Was Lead Foundation, with Donna…

  • Beyond Exams First Silver Cert Jan 2020

    Many congratulations to Gary Swift (M0ONI) on being the first Radio Society Member to be awarded a Silver Beyond Exams Certificate. Gary has put on a lot of effort into the scheme and its great to see it pay off. We are privileged to be taking part in the scheme pilot, on behalf of the…

  • Beyond Exams Jan 2020

    Beyond Exams As members of the Worksop Amateur Radio Society will be aware we are running a pilot of the RSGBs Beyond Exams. Its good to hear of so many members taking part Congratulations to Gary M0ONI and Paul, M0PJA on being the first to gain a Bronze Certificate. If not too late for you…

  • Full Licence Course Starts Sunday – 12th January 2020⋅19:00 – 21:00

    Full Licence Course Starts Our next Amateur Radio, Full Licence Course Starts Sunday – 12th January 2020⋅19:00 – 21:00 Description: Course Starts: Jan 12th, 2020 run for 16 weeks Please Register with our Exam Secretary Donna By sending an email to Location: Worksop Amateur Radio Society, West Street, Worksop, Nottinghamshire S80 1JP

  • Our Next Foundation Course starts on 2nd April 2020

    Our Next Foundation Course starts on 2nd April 2020 This is your first step in gaining Amateur Radio Licence Qualifications.   Please Register with our Exam Secretary Donna.   By Sending an Email to with your name and contact details. If you have any questions etc please feel free to contact us or come…

  • Worksop Likes Online Exams

    Worksop Likes Online Exams       Having seen and tested the Online Exams at the National Hamfest, members’ Worksop Amateur Radio Society were keen to try out on lines Exams. If was fortunate that we had a group of three members, who wanted to reset a Full License exam, the Exam Secretary Carol, 2E0XCA had a…

  • Awards from our 2019 AGM

    AGM Awards Night 2019 Its always great to see people picking up awards, and at this year’s Annual General Meeting we had quite a few. Martin (M0ZMF) Awards – Pat  Pictured being awarded the Harold Chadwick G8ON Memorial Cup. This is given annually for outstanding service to the Worksop Amateur  Radio Society. For those of…

  • Sunny Day In the Peak District

    Two of our members Gary M0ONI and Paul M0PJA went out to the Peak District to Activate it as part of Parks on the Air (POTA), this is how they got on. Before we started out we selected a spot in the Dark Peak which we were sure would have good take off in most…

  • Cracking Talk on Parks on the Air from Andy 2E0UAW

    We had a cracking talk from Andy 2E0UAW who is the English administrator for POTA (Parks on the Air). Parks on the Air, little known in the UK but appears to be taking the USA by storm. POTA was born from an National Event to activate all the National Parks in the US. Once that…

  • July 2019 Great News if you like FT4

    NEW FT4 CONTEST ANNOUNCED The RSGB HF Contest Committee: Have made the following announcement. – New FT4 Contest Announced. Please check the RSGB HF Contest Calendar for three new events that have just been added. We are running a short series of one hour, “experimental”, FT4 Contests over the autumn. These are not part of…