Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Foundation Course Starting April 2017
Thinking about taking up Amateur Radio ? Then the Foundation Course and Exam are your starting point. We are starting another Foundation Course on the 6th April. To find out more about starting in Amateur Radio please click here. If you are interested in our Foundation Course please use the contact us page to request…
SOS Radio Week 2017
Next week (21st to 29th January) Worksop Amateur Radio Society will, as a registered station, be taking part in SOS Radio Week 2017. We have the Special Event call sign GB4RNLI and will be active from the Club on Tuesday and Thursday evenings (24th and 26th January) from 7pm and Saturday from 10am until 5pm…
Jota 2016
On Saturday, 15th October, we had the pleasure of welcoming Beavers, Cubs and Scouts from Bassetlaw District Scout Association to our Clubhouse to help them celebrate Jamboree on the Air (JOTA) 2016. Using our radio equipment the youngsters had a chance to talk to folk in various parts of the UK and into Europe, including…
Excellent video released showing VHF Field day and VHF/ UHF Contesting
You may have read our item on VHF Field Day, well we have produced an excellent, video taken at the weekend of the field day. Showing our VHF / UHF setup and giving you an in site into the friendly world or VHF/UHF Amateur Radio Contesting in the UK. Many of the members of Worksop Amateur…
VHF Field Day 2016
G3RCW field day at Emley moor…. well we got batterd by the rain and wind but it didn’t stop us having fun …we made the effort and had a great weekend away camping and playing amateur radio
/P in the Park !
Following up on recent years, we held another very successful /P in the Park, evening. This gives the members the chance to try a bit of amateur radio portable operating (/P) and allows us to try and be active on as many bands as we can. Its also great fun and time to get the…
Weekend Camping 2016
It was great to see at least fifteen members and their families taking part in our Camping / Canoeing / Radio Weekend at Haxey Quays – this Bank Holiday weekend. We have a number of Camping events planned, which are open to all Club Members – details on the Club notice board. Some Members also…
Tribute to Richard “Ziggy” Hudson, G1ZIG
Tribute to Richard “Ziggy” Hudson, G1ZIG by Steve G0EAK After finishing the 2015 contest season in 11th place overall, the Worksop Amateur Radio Society contest team were looking forward to the 2016 season and trying to improve on Club and personal scores. However, in January this year Steve, G0EAK, one of our seasoned contesters, was…
Got any book recommendations?